Best sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile..|| Fast and smooth Gameplay

PUBG Mobile sensitivity setting for Fast and smooth Gameplay

. If you want to play PUBG mobile Fast and smooth then you need a good sensitivity setting on your pubg mobile game.

 Steps of PUBG mobile sensitivity setting

• Open your pubg mobile game and click the game setting and go on your ''sensitivity'' setting.

Ads sensitivity 

• Best gun recoil control for all scope.
• Sniping enhancements.
• Fast action.


 If you want to play fast and smooth PUBG mobile make sure your graphics sensitivity is low base on your device ram otherwise your game will hang and showing the lag problems on your game.

And use the graphic tool for controlling the graphics of pubg mobile i will suggest to you use the flash dog app to control the graphic for no lag if you want to download this app you go on playstore and search the flash dog app and intall it.
  It is simple to use you do nothing only open the app it works automatically.


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